In addition to the ribbons awarded at monthly competitions, the club also presents two year-end awards.

Photographer of the Year Award:

The member who has earned the highest point total at the end of the year is awarded Photographer of the Year. Points are accumulated based on points for ribbons won:

1st Place ribbon- 4 points

2nd Place ribbon - 3 points

3rd Place ribbon - 2 points

Honorable Mention ribbon - 1 point

People’s Choice Award:

All first place images from monthly competitions are eligible for the People’s Choice Award. Images must be submitted digitally to be considered, even if the original winning entry was a print. All images (including digital, print, color, and monochrome) are placed in a single category, and members vote for their favorite image. First, second, and third place are awarded.

Both awards are presented at the year-end party and awards ceremony.


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