Discussion Forums

A forum is a broad discussion category. Inside each forum there can be multiple Topics related to the Forum category. Users can create new Topics within a Forum and can add replies to existing Topics.

A Topic (sometimes called a Thread) starts with an initial statement or question posted by a user. Other users add replies to the topic, extending the conversation.

Some forums may be restricted to members only and will not appear unless you are logged in. You must be logged in to create a topic or reply. Forums might not be moderated. Report any inappropriate postings to your organization administrators or forum moderators.

Include Global Forums that are shared between all organizations.

You can sort the forum list by clicking on a heading. Use shift-click to add columns to the sort.
Title and DescriptionOpenStatistics

CCCC Buy, Sell or Swap Equipment

Public Forum

Have equipment you no longer use? Looking for inexpensive gear? This is a Forum for CCCC members to post photographic items for sale or needed.


4 Topics
4 Open Topics
9 Subscribers
Last Post: 9/9/2024 10:33 PM EDT
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CCCC Local Photography and Art Shows

Public Forum

This page has been set up with comments enabled so that members can add comments about local shows in which other members might be interested in participating. This is meant to be a sharing page. When adding a comment about an art show, please include the date(s), whether it is a juried show and who to contact about participating.


0 Topics
0 Open Topics
6 Subscribers
Last Post: Never
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CCCC Mentoring Group

Public Forum

This discussion forum is intended to foster communications of the mentoring group (mentors/mentees) in between our monthly mentor meetings. Please share your questions, ideas, tips or links to interesting articles that mentees may find useful as they continue their photography journey.


7 Topics
7 Open Topics
9 Subscribers
Last Post: 8/17/2024 10:46 AM EDT
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CCCC Other Local Forums for Learning

Public Forum

There are many opportunities for learning and sharing our passion of photography outside of the Chester County Camera Club. This forum is designed for members to share information about upcoming opportunities of interest to other members. Several of our members provide private training or sessions through the Chester County Night School or similar organizations, and there are programs of interest offered by other camera clubs. Please feel free to post information about upcoming classes, seminars or events,


0 Topics
0 Open Topics
7 Subscribers
Last Post: Never
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CCCC Photo Meetups

Public Forum

Heading to Valley Forge and looking for some photo buddies? Want to shoot in Philadelphia but would like a few friends to join you? Or going on a day trip to Bombay Hook and have room for a few more in your car? This forum is designed for members to communicate with other members when you would like some company, photo advice, or just some photo friends to enjoy an outing. Different than the organized club outings, this is more informal - it can be planned in advance, or spur of the moment.


0 Topics
0 Open Topics
7 Subscribers
Last Post: Never
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CCCC Volunteer Opportunities

Public Forum

This is where Volunteer Photographer Opportunities can be posted, such as “Chester County Hospital photographer request" or other non-profit/charity Volunteer opportunities.


1 Topics
1 Open Topics
3 Subscribers
Last Post: 1/28/2020 1:42 PM EST

Online Training Opportunities

Public Forum

Members can share links to training videos, You-Tube tutorials, photography websites, etc. And feel free to comment about training videos or websites that you found beneficial.


13 Topics
13 Open Topics
8 Subscribers
Last Post: 6/19/2024 12:02 PM EDT

Visual Pursuits Users Forum

Global Public Forum

This forum is intended to allow users of the Visual Pursuits service to exchange ideas on how best to use the service for their organizations. Create topics on aspects of managing your organization and your competitions. The forum is not moderated and is open to the public.


32 Topics
31 Open Topics
73 Subscribers
Last Post: 9/1/2024 6:03 PM EDT

High Dynamic Range (HDR) Images

Global Public Forum

This forum is for the discussion of products and techniques related to creating HDR images.


4 Topics
4 Open Topics
102 Subscribers
Last Post: 8/29/2024 6:47 PM EDT

Visual Pursuits Wish List

Global Public Forum

Help identify the most important new features you would like from the Visual Pursuits service. You can vote to promote your favorite idea. Topics will be edited to clarify and more accurately define the desired feature. Report support items via the menu "Help", "Submit a Support Request" instead of posting here.


136 Topics
116 Open Topics
84 Subscribers
Last Post: 10/2/2024 5:36 PM EDT

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